Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Year of Conscious Living

It has been 5 months since I decluttered my room. I took a week off work and focused on decluttering and organizing my room. I had been living a life of routine and felt stuck in a rut and was beginning to burn out. It was awful. I was living in the mental dumps. The disorganization had drained me and it was time to do something. I had been busy with my MBA course work for the past year and a half that I neglected everything else except work. Once my final exams were over, I couldn't face my books again. However I have one more thesis to go before I complete my MBA. For me, I really need to be inspired to complete a task. I guess I'm just not that discipline a person so I really need to feel motivated.

The decluttering paved the way to start taking up yoga, meditation and the search of finding the truth of my purpose. I can't say I've found my purpose. But I do feel much better right now about life and I have started to prepare for my thesis once again. I reckoned I needed a period of time to climb out of the rut and life is starting to feel hopeful once again.

One of the things I promised myself was to live consciously. In my bid to declutter, I surfed the net for inspirations and I stumbled into the world of minimalism. The idea that less is more and by having less (materialism) you can be more than what you are now, had never crossed my mind in the past. And a life with less is actually beautiful. I was definitely consumerist and material. But it certainly hadn't brought to me much happiness. I felt weighed down by comparisons with the haves and have-nots. I put aside my dreams in pursuit of more money because I believed that there's never enough money. And yet the more I tried to climb the corporate ladder, the more I felt futile and empty. I had less time than ever to live and life is swooshing pass me everyday with no dreams and passion to fulfill. Life was indeed meaningless. Thus I decided to drop all misconceptions and ideas about life and restart my learning process on life. It is necessary to start living consciously instead of mindlessly going through the motions of life which is so easy to give in and let go of your right to live a fulfilling life.

My goal now is to get back to basics and live life with gratitude. To appreciate true living. To explore our gifts given by nature and arts. To live and love and to accept all the good and bad. To let go of the past and future. To live only in the moment. To be real and meet more real people with passion and inspirations.

Below are the links which truly inspired me during this period:

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