Saturday, March 5, 2011

Finding myself through yoga

I was told yoga is learning to come back to yourself. 

It's about finding your limits, expanding your boundaries, and being able to truly relax into who you are. 

As I grow older, I find a need for inner stillness and peace. I understand finding myself and knowing my place in this world is a journey. Some find their place almost immediately but some, like me, are still seeking answers. But sometimes, you can't rush answers. You have to go through the rites of passage of self-discovery. 

As I search my path, I find myself sometimes emotional, lost and upset that I am unable to pin myself into a category. But I realize I am unique. Everyone is unique. Sometimes I just need to let go trying to find answers. That's where I learn to meditate and yoga. Here is where I learn to just be. 

And sometimes, just being in the moment, brings me peace and understanding of myself.

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