Sunday, April 24, 2011

SoulCollage No. 1

I am very excited about my first soul collage. 

I couldn't contained my excitement when I discovered this process. I took out my drawing block paper and cut them into card-size as well as made a frame. I didn't use the frame much but I think it will be useful when I need it. I took an old magazine which I kept them because I love the pictures in there so much and started the intuitive process of cutting out images that I am drawn to. 

I had to consciously remind myself to let go of thinking and to give in to the intuitive process. It was harder than I imagined! I had to remind myself to try not to make sense of it. It was awkward initially and, indeed, it was stressful! But I once I completed the act of assembling and gluing the images together, I cleared my mind and took a second look. 

Suddenly, it came to me:

I am One who leaps with faith 
in the presence of my inner goddess.

I am One who finds balance and inspiration in both nature and city living.

And I felt a tremendous sense of relieve and liberation.

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