Sunday, April 24, 2011

Project SoulCollage

I found myself drawn to dreamlike paintings and artwork which are meaningful and soulful. 

In particular, I’ve been drawn to images found in healing cards and angel cards. I started to become curious about mixed media and the surrealistic effects of combining a variety of medium as a form of art expression. I felt a strong inner longing to express something from within. 

One day after a dentist’s appointment, I wandered into a paper and craft shop which sells delightful materials for scrapbooking and got a copy of Somerset Studio magazine which coincidentally the March/April 2011 was titled Simple Pleasure, which was the same as my blog title! It must have been an angel of synchronicity. 

It opened my world to the art of paper and mixed media. From there I discovered a new world of art journaling, collages, scrapbooking and artful blogging from the very cool Stampington & Company. 

At my favourite hangout bookstore, I bought a book called Creative Awakenings: Envisioning the Life of your Dreams through Art by Sheri Gaynor and was very inspired by the concept of the art of intention where she invited 11 artists to join her on twelve months of dreams. Each artist picked a month to engage him or herself with the EnVision Art of Intention Process where the artists created their intentions from their own experiences, desires or needs. During their chosen month, each artist mull over her art of intention piece and keep a journal of experience, where finally each artist wrote a personal essay on the experience. Throughout the book there were useful mixed media techniques and tips to help the reader creating her personal book-of-dreams journal.

Thus sufficiently inspired, I wanted to create some card-size mixed media / collage which will represent my inner soul’s callings and started to search the internet for soul collage. Imagine my delight when I discovered the world of SoulCollage® by Seena Frost! If you are intrigued about SoulCollage® like me, I’ve placed a list of links relating to SoulCollage® as well as inspiring blogs on the right side bar to help you find out more on what is it all about. As described in, Soul Collage is an artistic, soulful adventure into your soul which is part collage, part artistic journaling and part therapy.

As such, I’ve decided to embark on a personal 12-weeks Soul Collage journey which I will share with you my outcome each week. In the process, I would like to take time out to listen and understand my soul. I shall practice mindfulness in my daily life instead of tuning out which I have a bad habit of doing so! This is my action to my pledge for Action For Happiness by taking Action 27: Get in touch with your spiritual side.

Have a wonderful day.

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