Monday, April 25, 2011

SoulCollage No. 2

Today I shall try to make sense of my hodgepodge of images.

Firstly, I've no idea why I transported a corporate lady to Provence, looking into the sky full of queer things: a butterfly, a fairy, a bird and a wedding cake.

Now, I understand from a butterfly is a symbol of transformation. Interestingly, a butterfly is associated with the soul in many cultures. According to, a bird is a symbol of human soul and it represents goodness, joy, wisdom and intelligence. In, to see or cut a wedding cake in your dream, symbolizes harmony and domestic bliss. You are enjoying life and have a bright happy future ahead of you.

So today, I hear my soul saying:

I am One who has abundance and blessings.

I am One whose inner spiritual guidance 
will lead me to 
my personal transformation and freedom.



  1. Great Collage, love it :D
    thought you might like my machinima film the butterfly's tale~
    Bright Blessings
    elf ~

  2. Your CelestialElf's Channel on YouTube is fascinating!
